28 March 2017

PCSB Family Day

23-26 March 2017
PCSB Family Day  
Sabah, Malaysia



Alhamdulillah, THANK YOU SO MUCH BOSS :)

07 March 2017

DIY car track

DIY kotak monitor jadi car track robocar poli rescue team. Mula2 nak buang je kotak ni, tetiba dapat idea. Nilah hasil bakat tependam haha😊

Alatan dan bahan yang digunakan:
Marker pen
Soletep hitam
Pensil  & pemadam untuk lukis
Super Glue
Kereta mainan

Buat terowong & flyover. Gam guna super glue.

Buat arah jalan & kotak parking. Yang ni jalan sehala jer.

Hias la ikot kreativiti. Tampal2 sticker. Tulis nombor 12345 ker..

Ok dah siap, boleh letak kereta πŸšŒπŸš‹πŸš”πŸš“πŸššπŸš™πŸš—πŸš•πŸš’

Here we go! Ready, set...
Have you met Robocar Poli?
 Always there, Any-where 
He's here to help you and me 
With his dream Rescue Team Robocar Poli

Racing by, Flying high. They're all as brave as can be!

Poli! He's a hero through and through
Roy! He is brave and strong and true
Amber!She is smart and friendly too
Helly! He's your buddy way up high in the sky!

When you're in need, It's guaranteed Robocar Poli,
is on the way. To save the day. Oh, it's amazing to see

He's your friend, Until the end Robocar Poli. 
Without a doubt. Shout it out. Robocar Poli !

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